Archive for the ‘heart’ category

Living the Simple Life- Not Starting Out So Simple

February 3, 2008

     Inspired by several people close to me, I have started a process to make my life more simple and therefore, better.  Living in the busy chaos of life in these times seems to be unfulfilling at times.  So, maybe by going back to the way things used to be before my time- simple and focused- I can become more focused on the things I enjoy and have more time to spend with those I love.

     The first goal I had was to create a better budget system.  I used to do the envelope thing and I lovrd it.  Pretty much, at each payday, money gets put in each envelope which is designated for a certain thing- groceries, gas, entertainment, etc.- and then, when it’s gone for the week, it’s gone.  I loved this system because after the initial planning and aside from the weekly “stuffing the envelopes”, there is no thnking involved.  I know how much was spent or not spent and I know where the money goes each week.  Unfortunately, my dh didn’t really get into this system when I tried it after we got married.  But, thanks to his friends recommending it to him and the book by Dave Ramsey, My Total Money Makeover, we are trying it again.  This is week one.  We started Friday with my paycheck and the begining of the month.  it seemed to be the perfect time.  The only problem was my dh was having pizza cravings and cheap pizza just wouldn’t do.  So, $30 later, he had pizza- from a place he loves and I don’t like- and our envelopes were already off.  Trying to relax and understand this is going to be a hard thing to get used to, I wasn’t very successful at.  But, by later that evening, I had refigured the weekly envelopes to add up.  We’ll see how the rest of the week goes!

I just spent $20 on groceries for the week- $10 less than our budget due to the pizza.  When I make out a menu and really plan the list, I’m amazed that I can have well balanced, good meals every day for very little money.  When I don’t plan ahead, it’s amazing how much I spend on the junk I end up buying!  This week we are having chicken in the crock pot, burritos, spaghetti, pot pies, and taco bake casserole. 

The next project for the day is what I am sitting here writing to procrastinate for.  My cousing had the idea to eliminate so much laundry and clutter by limiting the amount of clothing for everyone in the house.  I am not that brave since I have to go to work every day and need to wear different clothes.  Also, I am not worried about the amount of laundry I contribute.  My son on the other hand has two very bad habits.  The first is that he would rather put clean clothes back in the laundry than folding them and putting them away.  This is one of my biggest pet peaves!  The second is that whenever he gets something out to wear, he gets every single thing out of his drawers!  I mean everything!  And, then it all gets thrown in a pile on the floor where it stays until we have to yell at him to clean his room.  So, by giving him only a fewn options of clothing, there will be a smaller pile on his floor and he will be forced to put it away or else have nothing to wear!  I am hoping this works!

My other project for the day is to update my son’s school work.  Usually this time of year, I am not in charge of his school.  But, due to my dh having heart surgery, he has not been keepng up with it.  So, today I am going to make sure things are on track and plan for this week of school.  It will be a review week- which we have periodically to make sure he is retaining the information.  Also, at the begining of the year I created our book of goals for the year and I really need to start checking them off.  I know some of them have been accomplished and others should have been accomplished and I really need to regain my focus on his studies.  Pretty soon, it will be springtime and school will not be as easy then- too many distractions!

Focusing on taking better care of myself is on the list.  But, as most of you mom’s know, it usually doesn’t ever make it to the top of the list.  I hear people always saying you should take time out for yourself.  But, what do I take that time out of?  I get up and go to work early.  No high maintenance or prep time for me, it’s usually the get up and go look.  So, doing anything in the morning only takes time out of sleeping.  Does that sound like a good idea?  I’m thinking no.  But, then there’s the evening when I get home.  Ok.  I admit it.  I’m lucky to get dinner made before I colapse for the night!  But, I guess that seems to be my only option.  But, it just seems that since I come home so tired, I am setting myself up to fail by planning to excercise then.  But, I’ll keep you posted.   

I had thought several weeks ago about having weekly goals to accomplish.  Two weeks ago, they were to eat at the table more and to play games more as a family- or at least with my son.  I’m making an effort on both of these but fell a little short this week and didn’t make any new ones for last week.  This upcoming week here are my goals.  Although they sound easy, sometimes, they are not easy in my world.

Goal 1- excercise 3 times this week

Goal 2- keep up with schoolwork checking

Goal 3- continue the first goals- dinner time 3 times a week and game time at least once

So, I believe these are all good things- things to make life easier.  But, getting them started- making myself do them- sometimes seems to be a hurdle I’m not too sure about!  

10 Things I Never Thought I’d Be Doing

January 24, 2008

Note: I started this a long time ago and never finished.  I’m amazed how things change so quickly with everything that has gone on in my life lately.  So, I’m adding to it now. 

I got the idea for this from a great blogger you should all check out! She has a great way of putting things and sharing her life in a positive and humorous way.

So, here is my version of the things I never thought I’d be doing when I grew up- wait am I really a grown-up?!

1) I never thought I’d be a homeschool mom

2) I never thought I’d work in a grocery store- and like it!

3) I never thought I’d have a tarantula living in my house!

4) I never thought I’d be taking my 13 year old son to an alpaca farm to work 5 days a week.

5) I never thought I’d have 2 cats and 2 dogs. (Update- I now have only 1 dog- long story)

6) I never thought my husband would have to have heart surgery.

7) I never thought I could be so happy to see someone sit up in a chair.

8) I never thought I would enjoy Christmas so much without exchanging gifts with my husband.

9) I never thought prayers and kind words from family and friends would be so important to me.

10) I never thought I would be going to a different church than the one I’ve known since I was a child visiting my grandparents.

Out of Hibernation

January 19, 2008

I’ve decided on the coldest day of the season- exposed skin can get frostbitten after 10 minutes- that it’s time to come out of hibernation.  Looking back, I realized it’s been almost 3 months since I’ve written anything here!

The last few months have been a whirlwind of doctors, hospitals, lack of sleep, family, friends, prayers, and emotions.  My husband had heart surgery after finding out he had a severe mitral valve prolapse.  The surgery was a month ago today.  And, although he is recovering well, it’s a long road to walk until he’s completely better!

The outpouring of love and support from family and friends was amazing!  I wouldn’t have gotten through it without them!  Words fail me to describe how wonderful people have been. 

That is my life right now- catching up with life.  Work and school fell by the wayside and now it’s time to bring my life back up to speed.  So, as part of that effort, I am going to try and get back in the habit of writing again.  I’m not promising anything…

Right now I need to take my son to work so I better get dressed first!  I hope you haven’t all given up on me and somebody finds this post.  Although since you are reading this now, I guess you haven’t and I thank you!