Archive for the ‘baby’ category

Found- New Favorite Website!

October 20, 2008

OK- the title isn’t completely true.  Nothing beats cakewrecks.  But, earlier today I went to the blogger choice awards site to see if my beloved cakewrecks won the best humor blog.  Of course itdid!  While I was reading the list, I was overcome by the amount of votes for the winner of several other awards- including best blog about stuff, and best blog of all time.  The blog is about a guy who is married to a woman with cystic fibrosis.  It tells about their daily life, including their new miracle baby who was born when just over 1lb.  I just started looking at it, but at first glance the site is very well done.  And, I predict it to be a daily must read in the near future!  For people like me who are just finding it, there’s a recap to get us up to speed on everything from the beginning of the site.  So, you don’t have to go back and read the whole thing.  But, after reading the recap, I’m even more tempted to go back and read it all.  It seems inspiring and sweet, although I’m sure sometimes scary and sad.  But, the response to the site is amazing and helps to let me know there are good people out there caring for others, praying for others, and are generally good people.  And, if we think we have had a bad day, there are probably others out there who have had worse- and who don’t feel as sorry for themselves as we do!

“I Carried a Watermelon”

August 26, 2007

Raise your hand if you can name the title of the movie that quote is from.  C’mon!   It’s ok- you can all admit it!  Dirty Dancing is a classic!  They are making it into a musical now.  (read about it here  They just announced it will open a year from now in Chicago.  It’s already a hit in London.  That announcement triggered a trip down memory lane.

When I was younger, I used to watch it all of the time.  I hadn’t seen it for at least 10 years.  So, I decided to rent it from the library this weekend.  I watched it last night.I knew every plot twist- every line actually, if you want to know the truth.  But, I watched it through much different eyes- the eyes of an adult/ a parent.  When I was younger, I loved the romance, the excitement of thier dancing. 

This morning, when I was thinking about it (it was way to late to think when it ended last night) I thought about the lessons in the movie.  My alternate title for this post was “Dirty Dancing- homeschool curriculum?  OK.  So, I’m not quite ready for my 13 year old son to watch them dance.  And, I don’t advocate Baby lying to her parents and sneaking out.  But, there are points to be made.  Baby is the one who sees people for who they really are- not the size of thier wallet or the place they grew up.  This is an admirable quality I want my son to know.  Baby sees a problem  and figures out how to make it right- not just accept it.  This is something I want my son to do.  That is a valuable quality both in everyday life and out in the work force.  I had never really listened closely to her speach to her dad after she admitted to being with Johnny in order to save him from being fired.  She apologizes for her actions- a good thing- but then goes on to share her feelings of sadness and disappointment.  After being taught to treat everyone equal, she realizes that only meant in thier class of people.  Strong words from a daughter to her father, I know.  But, is it disrespect or sharing her feelings of confusion of what’s really expected of her?  I guess it’s a matter of perception.

So, I think this movie does have some learning points to it- both for parents and children.  What do we expect from our children?  Are we allowing them to live as we are teaching them to live?  And for children- there were mistakes made and consequences for the actions.  But, there are also strong lessons such as not being judgemental and keeping an open mind.  Also, the concept of identifying not only the problem, but the solution and working to remedy it is a valuable skill.

So, is my son going to sit down and watch it with me tonight?  No.  Am I going to consider it in the future?  Yes- consider.  Am I going to think more about the lessons from the movie and how I can instill them into my son?  Yes- definitely!

Trip to New York

July 28, 2007


Jonas is a great big brother!  I can’t believe how big he’s getting!


I love when they are so snuggly!


Escher loved his bathtime!

More pics later!


July 9, 2007

Escher Allen Hine

Born July 2

9 lbs 2 oz

Isn’t he adorable?  He’s my cousin’s son and also my godson!  I can’t wait to meet him!

Welcome to the World!

July 2, 2007

This morning I got the phone call I had been waiting for!  My cousin called to let me know she was at the hospital and would be having her bouncing baby boy at any time.  So, here is my message to you both!

It’s amazing how much you can love and care for someone you’ve never seen- haven’t even found out your name (although I’m voting for Escher!)!  You are blessed to arrive as a member of a wonderful family- both immediate and extended!  Your parents have been anxiously awaiting your arrival and continue to impress me with through thier parenting adventure with your big brother.  So, I know you have really lucked out by having great parents to take care of you- even though you’ll wonder sometimes when you are older and are amazed that you know so much more than them!  (Just wait a few years and they will suddenly get smarter!)  Speaking of big brothers, I know he has been anxious to meet you and I think he is definitely up to the big brother role.  I can’t wait to see pictures of the two of you together.  You are already so loved by so many people- family, friends- and I can’t wait to meet you!  So, welcome to the world!  I hope you and your parents are all doing well!  See you soon!  We love you!